Over 30 years of excellence in training services provided to law enforcement, citizens and armed professionals. Spartan Tactical Training Group - Firearms Training Courses
Spartan Tactical Training Group Law Enforcement, Home Defense, Military, Tactical Firearms Training and Personal Protection Courses TACTICAL FIREARMS TRAINING COURSE
Tactical Rifle Course
Tactical Handgun Course
Advanced Tactical Handgun
Tactical Pistol Course
Advanced Tactical Rifle
Covert Carry Tactics
Defensive Rifle Course
Dynamic Handgun Combatives
Dynamic Rifle Combatives
Dynamic Room Entry
Handgun Fighting Compromised
Handgun Fighting Positions
Intro to AR-14
Intro to AR-15
AR-15 M-4 Course
AR-15 Introduction
Low-Light Handgun
Pistol Mounted Optics
Optics Course McHenry
Optics Course Tucson
Defensive Handgun Optics
Speed Shooting
Team Tactics
Handgun Certification
Defensive Handgun Course
Defensive Course McHenry
Defensive Course August
Shotgun Instructor
Emergency Self-Aid
Rescue Task Force
Spartan Tactical
Spartan Tactical Training Group - Firearms Training Courses
A U.S. government approved contract training vendor since 2003 - CAGE code: 6UES6  A U.S. Government registered training services vendor since 2003
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Spartan Tactical Training Group, LLC - Over 30 Years of Excellence in Training! - Professional firearms training programs for armed professionals, personal protection and home defense applications.









3-day Defensive Handgun Certification Course at the Alpha Range in McHenry, Illinois

2-day Advanced Tactical Handgun Course at The Site Training Facility in Mount Carroll, Illinois

2-day Low-Light Handgun Strategies & Tactics Course at the Alpha Range in McHenry, Illinois

2-day Defensive Rifle Certification Course at The Site Training Facility in Mount Carroll, Illinois

2-day Covert Carry Handgun Strategies & Tactics Course at The Site Training Facility in Mount Carroll, Illinois

Strategic Partnerships
Team Spartan Tactical Firearms Training ESS Googles
Action Target Academy - Firearms Training Courses
TAC-HAMMER - Professional grip and frame texturing services.
AmeriGlo Sights and Glow Sticks
Alpha Range -   Spartan Tactical Training Group - Over 15 years of excellence in firearms training services provided to law enforcement, military, armed professionals and civilians.
Spartan Tactical Training Group, LLC is proudly affiliated with the following associations:
University of Illinois Police Training Institute National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association Michigan Tactical-Officers Association
Illinois Tactical Officers Association Midwest Tactical Officers Association ILEETA: Intl. Law Enforcement Educators & Trainers Association
National Tactical Officers Association IALEFI Georgia Tactical Officers Association
The Police Marksman Magazine Indiana Swat NRA

Team-Spartan-Firearms-Training-Spacer Team-Spartan-Firearms-Training-Spacer Team-Spartan-Firearms-Training-Spacer
Wounded Warrior Project is a military/veterans charity organization empowering injured veterans and their families. Find out how you can support a warrior Spartan Tactical is dedicated to presenting professional firearms training programs and tactical concepts that will prepare law enforcement officers, armed professionals and civilians to survive and win deadly force confrontations. Spartan Tactical is dedicated to presenting professional firearms training programs and tactical concepts that will prepare law enforcement officers, armed professionals and civilians to survive and win deadly force confrontations.Our mission at Spartan Tactical is dedicated to presenting professional training programs and tactical concepts that will prepare armed professionals to survive and win deadly force confrontations. Our training programs focus on developing combat mind-set, tactical aptitude and a reflexive conditioned response when the use of deadly force in self defense is necessary. Founded in 1984, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund is dedicated to honoring and remembering the service and sacrifice of law enforcement officers in the United States. Spartan Tactical is dedicated to presenting professional firearms training programs and tactical concepts that will prepare law enforcement officers, armed professionals and civilians to survive and win deadly force confrontations.

© Copyright 2004 - 2025 Spartan Tactical Training Group, LLC
4340 Cross Street Downers Grove, Illinois 60515-1715

(708) 990-4367


Topics, titles, information, content, keywords programs and presentations
that you will find listed on the Spartan Tactical Training Group website.
Spartan Tactical is dedicated to presenting professional
firearms training programs and tactical concepts that will prepare
law enforcement officers, armed professionals and citizens to
and win deadly force confrontations.

  Spartan Tactical Training Group, LLC - Over 30 Years of Excellence in Training! - Professional firearms training programs for armed professionals, personal protection and home defense applications.

Spartan Tactical Training Group
Spartan Tactical Training
Spartan Tactical
Spartan Group
Team Spartan
Advanced Pistol

Advanced Tactical Pistol
Basic Pistol
Basic Defensive Pistol
Basic Handgun
Defensive Handgun
Introduction to Patrol Rifle
Basic Patrol Rifle
Patrol Rifle
Introduction to the AR15
Introduction to the M4
Introduction to the AR-15
Introduction to the M-4
Rifle Fundamentals
Handgun Fundamentals
Semi-automatic Pistol
Introduction to the Semi-automatic Pistol
Introduction to the Pistol
Officer Down
Injured Officer Shooting Techniques
Rapid Deployment
Rapid Deployment Rifle
Rapid Deployment Patrol Rifle
Rapid Deployment Patrol Shotgun
Remedial Handgun Training
Use of Cover
Moving and Shooting
Firearms Training
Combat Mindset
Moving Off the Line of Force
Firearms Safety
Personal Defense
Principals of Personal Defense
Shooting Fundamentals
Natural Action Stance
Firearms Safety Training
Thumbs Forward Grip
Presentation From Ready Pistol
Presentation From the Holster
Home Defense
Personal Protection
Speed Shooting
Ammunition Management
Malfunction Clearance
Malfunction Clearance Drills
Immediate Action Drills
Combat Gun-handling
Combat Gun-handling Skills
Engaging Multiple Threats
Shooting on the Move
Weapon Retention
Disparity of Force
Sight Picture
Sight Alignment
Flash Sight Picture
Front Sight
Front Sight Proximity Shooting
Rifle Shooting
Carbine Shooting
Shotgun Shooting
Zeroing Iron Sights
Combat Ready
Buckshot Patterning
Close Quarter Battle
Close Quarter Battle Techniques
John Krupa III
Training in Illinois
Firearms Training in Illinois
Tactical Training in Illinois
Officer Survival Training in Illinois
Law Enforcement Training in Illinois
Law Enforcement Firearms Training in Illinois
Handgun Training in Illinois
Shotgun Training in Illinois
Carbine Training in Illinois
Rifle Training in Illinois
Personal Defense Training in Illinois
Illinois Concealed Carry
Room Entry Handgun Training
Dynamic Room Entry
Room Entry Rifle Training
Dynamic Room Entry Training

Spartan Tactical Training Group, LLC - Over 30 Years of Excellence in Training! - Professional firearms training programs for armed professionals, personal protection and home defense applications.

Self aid Buddy aid Training
Patrol Carbine Instructor Course
Basic Carbine Operator Course
Basic Patrol Rifle Course
Law Enforcement Training
Tactical Law Enforcement Training
Law Enforcement Firearms Training
Law Enforcement Training Division
Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor Training
Law Enforcement Instructor Development
Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor Development
Shotgun Operator
Shotgun Instructor
Tactical Shotgun Operator
Tactical Shotgun Instructor
Law Enforcement Shotgun Instructor
Carbine Operator
Carbine Instructor
Tactical Shotgun Course
Tactical Carbine Course
Tactical Rifle Course
Tactical Pistol
Tactical Handgun
Tactical Shotgun Training Course
Tactical Carbine Training Course
Tactical Rifle Training Course
Tactical Pistol Training Course
Tactical Handgun Training Course
Tactical Carbine Operator
Tactical Carbine Instructor
Law Enforcement Carbine Course
Law Enforcement Shotgun Course
Law Enforcement Carbine Operator
Law Enforcement Carbine Instructor
Rifle Operator
Rifle Instructor
Tactical Rifle Operator
Tactical Rifle Instructor
Law Enforcement Rifle Operator
Law Enforcement Rifle Instructor
Tactical Pistol Operator
Tactical Pistol Instructor
John Krupa
Gun Training
Gun Training in Illinois
Reality Based Training
Reality Based Scenarios
Dynamic Room Clearing
Rescue Task Force
Rescue Task Force Training
Continuum of Force Training
Continuum of Force
Deadly Force Training
Deadly Force
Use of Deadly Force
Use of Deadly Force Training
Lethal Force
Disparity of Force
Officer Survival
Officer Survival Training
Self Defense
Self Defense Training
Self Defense Shooting
Self Defense Firearms Training
Personal Defense
Personal Defense Training
Personal Defense Firearms Training
Concealed Carry
Concealed Carry Permit
Illinois Concealed Carry Permit Course
Illinois Concealed Carry Class   
Illinois Concealed Carry Permit Class
Concealed Carry Training
Illinois Concealed Carry Training
Emergency Self aid training
Trauma Self-aid Training
Trauma Injury Survival Training
Tactical Firearms Training in Wisconsin
Tactical Firearms Training in Indiana
Indiana Concealed Carry
Tactical Firearms Training in Michigan
Michigan Concealed Carry
Tactical Training Schools
Tactical Training Courses
Close Quarters Firearms Training
Civilian Tactical Training
Tactical Speed Shooting
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care
Close Quarters Combat
Defensive Handgun Training in Illinois
Defensive Shotgun Training in Illinois
Defensive Rifle Training in Illinois
Defensive Pistol Training in Illinois
Defensive Revolver Training in Illinois

Firearms Training Organizations, Associations and Companies:

Spartan Tactical Training Group, LLC - Over 30 Years of Excellence in Training! - Professional firearms training programs for armed professionals, personal protection and home defense applications.
Spartan Tactical Training Group, LLC - Over 30 Years of Excellence in Training! - Professional firearms training programs for armed professionals, personal protection and home defense applications.


Alpha Twin Tactical Range McHenery Illinlis

Team Spartan Sitemap